Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to coin en español


coin verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
coined, has coined, is coining, coins
acuñar (moneda); acuñar, crear, inventar

Ejemplos de uso de
coin verb

  • The coach coined the phrase “refuse to lose.”
  • William Shakespeare is believed to have coined many words.
  • The nation plans to coin more money.
  • The coach coined the phrase "refuse to lose."

Sinónimos de
coin verb

Traducción inversa para to coin

acuñar  (moneda) - to rock, to cradle 
acuñar  - to rock, to cradle 
crear  - to create, to cause, to originate 
inventar  - to invent, to fabricate, to make up 
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